Coil Spring
This is a percussion instrument exploring the properties of vibration in metal. The sound is not processed, just amplified with a piezo disk. It was widely used by John Cage and David Tudor in the 1960’s.
Featured on Space Study 2. Appears on Space, Space Solo 1 and Space Elements Vol. I .
Modified MS-2 amplifier
Paulo Feliciano first introduced me to this fantastic instrument, which we also used on On Air. I developed it further and today it’s one of my main instruments, used in both the Space program and in one of Sei Miguel‘s The Tone Gardens quartets (listen). It features a voltage-controlling potentiometer and a switch to open and close a feedback circuit.
Featured on Space Study 2. Appears on Space, Space Solo 1 and also on the Noise Precision Library‘s Space Study 2 mp3 album.
The Echo Feed (technical name is “Delayed feedback circuit with theremin-controlled dynamics and joystick-controlled filter with random LFO modulation”) makes both a looping, hollow sound (with a longer delay setting) and a melodic, bird-like voice (with extremely short delay times).
Featured on Space Study 8. Appears on Space Elements Vol. I, Space Elements Vol. II, Space Elements Vol. III and Space Solo 2
Electrode Oscillator
Twin square wave cross-modulating electrode oscillator.
Circuit design owed to Nicolas Collins.
Featured on Space Study 6. Appears on Space Solo 1, Space Elements Vol. II, Space Elements Vol. III and Space Solo 2.
Modified MT-10 amplifier (a.k.a. Bender)
Featured on Space Study 7. Appears on Space Solo 1, Space Elements Vol. I, Space Elements Vol. II, Space Elements Vol. III. Also on the Noise Precision Library‘s Space Study 7 digital album.
Modular synthesizer
Modular synthesizer – a frame capable of endless configurations and permutations, able to perform many functions. There were two major configurations in the Space Program: The white-noise generator based system, which was widely used on Space and also appears on Sei Miguel‘s The Tone Gardens, and the current configuration, which is controlled with a ribbon position/ pressure sensor, joystick and theremin antenna. In this photo, the current setup for the Space Collective, with a digital delay and a smaller filter system (upper right), which are another instrument, the “Echo-feed” empty delayed loop.
Current configuration (oscillator-based, ribbon, joystick and theremin controlled synthesizer) featured on Space Study 4. It has been played by Ricardo Webbens as part of various Space Collective formations and in the Space Quartet.
Appears on Space Elements Vol. I, Space Elements Vol. II, and Space Solo 2. Previous configurations appeared on Space (especially the white-noise based system – featured on Space Study 3 – but also the sawtooth pulse resonating bass and others).
Glove Controllers
Since i began using the computer live, i have been using different interfaces and gestural controllers (like the modular theremin). These gloves are fit with 6 micro switches, 4 mercury switches, 2 light-depending resistors, 1 infrared ranger and 1 magnetic switch. A footswitch can also be added to the system. The core of the MIDI control box is the Doepfer Pocket Electronic kit. The gloves were premiered with Space Study 1 at Jazzolograma Festival with Rute Praça (cello), Lisboa, April 24, 2004.
Appears on Space, Space Elements Vol. I.
Forthcoming solo recordings on Space Solo 2.